Seoul - Kakemonos inspired by South Korea
As I was discovering the city of Seoul during a (too) short trip at the end of 2016, I noticed that the south korean capital was filled of top fascinating locations to visit. In front of the Gyeongbokgung, the Deoksugung (two royal palaces), the Changdeokgung (prospering virtue palace), the Jongmyo (confucian shrine), the Jogyesa (bouddhist temple) or any other religious or historic building, every occidental visitor (like me) is amazed by the size and the high quality showcase of the city heritage. Every site is well preserved and restored. I was really fascinated, particularly by traditional buildings and their colourful and graphic ornaments, but also by the contemporary architecture.
And a few months later I created the diptych (composed by kakemonos, japanese canvas ready to hang) that I am going to present in this article!
Seoul Dancheong - Acrylic on canvas, 200*80 cm, 2017
The first part of my artwork is composed by Dancheong patterns, which are like a visual identity of Korea. You can’t miss it, it’s everywhere in Seoul and I wanted to bring it back with me in France. So esthetic with its colours and its symmetry, Dancheong is a decorative art of objects and korean traditional architecture. It is based on various natural and religious patterns and composed by five colours (blue (east), white (west), red (south), black (north) and yellow (center)). Apart from being decorative, it is also a wood protection and an harmonious way to fit buildings in korean landscapes.
Seoul Dancheong, details
Dancheong ( Korean: 단청) refers to Korean traditional decorative coloring on wooden buildings and artifacts for the purpose of style. It literally means "cinnabar and blue-green" in Korean. It i...
More about Dancheong!
Seoul - Dancheong Kakemono 1 (abstrait ; abstract painting)
Kakemono à suspendre entièrement peint à la main inspiré par des motifs traditionnels coréens quon appelle Dancheong. Exemplaire unique. - Acrylique sur toile ; 200*80 cm. - Livré avec son ...
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Seoul Landscape - Acrylic on canvas, 200*80 cm, 2017
In the second part I used exactly the same colour tubes but for a very different subject : a landscape of Seoul, mix with tradition and modernity, with a little touch of geometry.
Seoul Landscape, details
Seoul - Paysage Kakemono 2 (abstrait ; abstract painting)
Kakemono à suspendre entièrement peint à la main inspiré par la ville de Séoul, plus particulièrement par la cohabitation entre la tradition et la vie moderne. Exemplaire unique. - Acrylique ...
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Mini kakemonos
Mini kakemonos inspired by South Korea ; Acrylic on canvas, 40*80 cm, 2017
Mini kakemonos, details
My inspiration in Seoul
Séoul - Kakemonos d'inspiration coréenne - Alice Maynard
Séoul - Kakemonos d'inspiration coréenne Séoul - Kakemonos d'inspiration coréenne, par Alice Maynard Partie à la découverte de Séoul lors d'un (trop) court séjour fin 2016, je remarquais qu...
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