Abstract variations, acrylic painting!
Abstract variations, acrylic painting!
These six paintings were made with the same set of colours, but with varying techniques and especially varying shapes. The results are different. Some of them are very graphic and decorative, others are more sensitive, more « expressionist », because each one was painted at a different moment, in a different burst and subjectivity. Each one marks a singular moment while I was more or less neurotic, more or less applied, more or less exalted…
It would be funny as well to proceed the other way, varying colours for a same shape to observe changes in the perception of the painting.
Abstract Variation n°1
Colouring shapes drawn with the brush float on a blurred background for a delicate and meditative result. Acrylic on canvas ; 80*80 cm.
Abstract Variation n°1 - Details.
Variation abstraite n1 (abstrait ; abstract painting) acrylique/acrylic
VARIATION ABSTRAITE N°1 Les formes de couleurs tracées au pinceau brosse flottent sur un fond flou pour un rendu sensible et méditatif. Variations abstraites, peinture acrylique ! Ces six toiles...
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Abstract Variation n°2
Minimalism and synthesis : to represent these three stains, the matter was directly poured on the canvas, which was itself handled in order to get the paint moving. Acrylic on canvas ; 80*80 cm.
Abstract Variation n°2 - Details.
Variation abstraite n2 (abstrait ; abstract painting) acrylique/acrylic
VARIATION ABSTRAITE N°2 Minimalisme et synthèse : pour figurer ces trois tâches de peinture, la matière a été directement versée sur la toile qui a elle-même été manipulée de façon à f...
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Abstract Variation n°3
Over the blurred but shaded background is a « dripping » completed with a Posca pen : the stains are connected to become shapes full of repetitive and graphic patterns. The result is strangely galactic, as a kind of psychedelic dream. Acrylic on canvas ; 80*80 cm.
Abstract Variation n°3 - Acrylic on canvas
Abstract Variation n°4
The paint drips on the one hand, triangles on the other hand, the whole being united by a striped triangle pattern. The result is disturbing, subversive : if the pattern perfectly completes the lower part of the canvas, there is a discrepancy in the higher part. Acrylic on canvas ; 80*80 cm.
Abstract Variation n°4 - Details.
Variation abstraite n4 (abstrait ; abstract painting) acrylique/acrylic
VARIATION ABSTRAITE N°4 Des coulures dune part, des triangles dautre part, le tout réuni par un motif de triangles rayés. Leffet est troublant, subversif, car si les formes complètent parfaitem...
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Abstract Variation n°5
This composition with pyramids made with a paint roller for a very clear result is like an efficient graphic icon, and is self-sufficient. Acrylic on canvas ; 80*80 cm.
Abstract Variation n°5 - Details.
Abstract Variation n°6
This collection and overlapping of squares roughly realized with a brush, with paint drips insisting on the imperfection, creates different but nice contrasts. This painting is sensitive and human. Acrylic on canvas ; 80*80 cm.
Abstract Variation n°6 - Details.
Variation abstraite n6 (abstrait ; abstract painting) acrylique/acrylic
VARIATION ABSTRAITE N°6 Cet assemblage et superposition de carrés réalisé grossièrement au pinceau, avec en outre des coulures qui insistent sur cette imperfection, crée des contrastes diffé...
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Variations abstraites, peinture acrylique ! - Alice Maynard
Variations abstraites, peinture acrylique ! Ces six toiles ont été réalisées avec le même ensemble de couleurs, mais en faisant varier les techniques et surtout les formes. Les résultats sont...
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