Abstractions, acrylic painting
Abstractions, acrylic painting
Barcelona - Acrylic on canvas
Always exploring patterns and colours, I have composed this painting after a tour in Barcelona. The amazing Parc Guell, with its many mosaïcs, has directly inspires the contrasts of the colours and forms painted here. Acrylic on canvas ; 100*100 cm.
The Park Güell ( Catalan: Parc Güell [ˈparɡ ˈɡweʎ]) is a public park system composed of gardens and architectonic elements located on Carmel Hill, in Barcelona ( Spain). Carmel Hill belongs ...
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Bolivian headdress
Bolivian headdress - Acrylic on canvas
Loyal to my approach of analyzing, dissecting subjects or objects, this painting is inspired by a bolivian headdress exposed at the Quai Branly Museum in Paris, which is here broken down into colored squares. Acrylic on canvas ; 100*100 cm.
War bonnet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Feathered war bonnets (also called warbonnets or headdresses) are worn by males of the American Plains Indians who have earned a place of great respect in their tribe. Originally they were sometimes
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Bolivian headdress (abstract painting)
Loyal to my approach of analyzing, dissecting subjects or objects, this painting is inspired by a bolivian headdress exposed at the Quai Branly Museum in Paris, which is here broken down into ...
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Summer Abstraction
Summer Abstraction - Acrylic on canvas
The dynamism of this abstract composition comes from its geometric construction on one hand : imbrication and superposition of diamonds and triangles ; and from, on the other hand, shades of colours that are used, clear and pronounced. Acrylic on canvas ; 100*100 cm.
Heat Wave
Heat Wave - Acrylic on canvas
Optic illusion and heat. Here are two characteristics of this painting. Indeed it mixes op art (which Vasarely is one of the most celebrate icon) with blue obsession : sky blue without any clouds, water blue thirst-quenching and refreshing. Yes, this painting is nothing but heat-wave hallucination... Acrylic on canvas ; 100*100 cm.
Op art, also known as optical art, is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions. Op art works are abstract, with many better known pieces created in black and white. Typically, they give the
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Optic illusion and heat. Here are two characteristics of this painting. Indeed it mixes op art (which Vasarely is one of the most celebrate icon) with blue obsession: sky blue without any clouds ...
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Abstractions, peinture acrylique - Alice Maynard
Abstractions, peinture acrylique Barcelone Barcelone - Acrylique sur toile Toujours à fond dans l'exploration des motifs et des couleurs, j'ai composé ce tableau à la suite d'une visite à Barce...
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